
Voice of Talysh

Голос Талыша

Известные события, произошедшие с моей семьей за последние годы, всколыхнули нашу жизнь до основания.


Tolışi xəbon

Xıdo rəhmətkə Əli Rzayevi... 
Bastari musibət (aktual hukayət) 
Bə çəmə alimə zoon afərin bıbu 
Aydın müəllimi de şair Xilqəti musahibə 
Çı mardə odəmi nomi bə jurnali redaksiyə heyət çokonə dənəmon? 
Tolışi mətbuat tarixədə tojə cən - "Aləm" jurnal çapo beşə 
Xatirə ruşnədə dili söhbət (6) 
Xatirə ruşnədə dili söhbət (5) 
Xatirə ruşnədə dili söhbət (4) 
Xatirə ruşnədə dili söhbət (3) 
"KUL" sıxani mənon 
Xatirə ruşnədə dıli sohbət (2) 
Xatirə ruşnədə dıli sohbət 
“Honi çəşmə"ro vəsə 
ÇE? ÇI? 
Əv kiye? 
Şahmirzə Tolışəxun - 60 
Tolışi talantə şair Şamirzə TOLIŞƏXUN (10.07.1955 - 18.11.2014) 
Tolışi talantə şair Şamirzə TOLIŞƏXUN (10.07.1955 - 18.11.2014) 
Baləddin VEŞO şeronədə pencli janr 
De şair Baləddin VEŞO müsahibə 


Talış xalqı Azərbaycanda yarımkölə şəraitində yaşayır
Новрузали Мамедов
Марьям МАММАДОВА. Трагедия одной семьи. 2013
ГИЛАЛ МАМЕДОВ на свабоде!
Talış dilinin hazırkı durumu ilə bağlı Azərbaycan Talışların İctimai Şurasının MÖVQE SƏNƏDİ


Voice of Talysh

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The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), has received new information and requests your urgent intervention in the following situation in Azerbaijan.
New information:

The Observatory has been informed by the Human Rights Centre of Azerbaijan that Mr. Hilal Mammadov, a minority rights defender and Editor-in-chief of the Tolishi-Sado (Voice of Talysh) newspaper[1], was beaten and injured by his cell mate in a Kurdakhani prison on November 26, 28 and 29, 2012.
According to the information received, his cell mate suffers from a serious mental disease. Mr. Mammadov was placed in his cell two weeks before the attacks. However, as his cell mate's behaviour was aggressive, even preventing him from sleeping at night, Mr. Mammadov's lawyers requested on several occasions that he be removed from the cell, but their requests were all ignored. On November 29, his cell mate was eventually transferred to the medical unit of the prison hospital for treatment.
Voice of Talysh | Просмотров: 2136 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 10.01.2013 | Комментарии (0)


To: Mr.Torbyorn Yadland , the Secretary General of PACE

Mr. Kristofer Strasser, reporter on political prisoners

Committee on legal issue and human right in PACE

Representatives of PACE

From: Hilal Mammamdov –political prisoner currently detained in the pre-trial cell in Baku (Azerbaijan)

Dear Secretary General Mr. Torbyorn Yaqland!
Mr. Kristofer Strasser!
Dear representatives of PACE! , Ladies and Gentlemen!

First of all ,I am greeting you from one the jails in Azerbaijan (Baku pre-trial jail), and would like to congratulate you for adopting the very valuable historical document about political prisoners  and let you know that I consider it my moral obligation to express my deep gratitude to you on behalf of all political prisoners in Azerbaijan.
Voice of Talysh | Просмотров: 2780 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 31.10.2012

(But why the general prosecutor and the court of Nasimi district say YES to torture)

It is known that I was arrested near my residential building at 12.00 o’clock on June 21 of 2012, by 6-7 thugs in a civil uniform (later it become known that these people were policemen), savagely beaten, cursed, had my national ethnicity insulted, manacled, forcefully pulled and pushed into a private car and brought to the administration for the struggle against drugs while repeatedly listening to an imitation of the rhyme "who are you, come on, go away” from the the famous YouTube video hit (maykhana ) by the  driver of another private car. A false accusation was made and after  being threatened and consecutively pressured for 6-7 hours I was transferred to the police of Nasimi district. My right to property was violently infringed upon by 20-25 policemen who attacked my apartment and "discovered”  about 30 grams of heroin from the pocket of my suit in my bed-room in a demonstrative manner, a false accusation was made again, I was detained in the temporary pre-trial cell with no food and water at all, and finally was illegally sentenced for three months by the court of Nasimi district…

Though even I have asked the prosecutor of the Nizami district to compile materials regarding serious injuries committed to me on June 22 of 2012 I was only interrogated by the investigator on June 30 of 2012.  Because there was not any action taken by the prosecutor since my two months in jail I have to appeal to the court of Nasimi district to make a decision on the infringement of my rights according to the article 3 of convention of Europe on "being subjected to torture, inhuman treatment and humiliation of dignity” .    

Voice of Talysh | Просмотров: 3251 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 10.09.2012

A neatly refurbished school in the village of Dygyah near the town of Lenkoran stands as a symbol of affluent times in Azerbaijan, fueled by the Caucasus country’s energy boom. One thing, however, hasn't changed: in a village where almost the entire population is Talysh, an Iranian-speaking minority group, all instruction in schools is in the official language, Azeri.

Officials estimate the number of Talysh in Azerbaijan at 70,000, but some experts say their numbers go as high as 500,000. Whatever the case, Talysh are heavily represented in the regions of Lenkoran, Astara and Lerik in the southeast of the country, with a significant number also living in the capital city of Baku. Yet the situation in schools in Talysh-majority areas is similar to that in Dygyah, where there is virtually no instruction in the Talysh language.

Voice of Talysh | Просмотров: 1744 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 10.09.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Not long ago the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Procurator of Azerbaijan Republic has spread joint declaration about arrest of Hilal Mammadov. In this declaration they accused me and after it some western media resources made publications under heading as "Iran and Azerbaijan relations strained after new accusations”.

Despite of that I have been limited from the state help since last 30 years and during this period, persons who knows me personally are witnesses of under what conditions I live now. That is why I don’t see any need to defend myself. But the said information can cause some misunderstanding for those who don’t know me closely so I feel to give some information about myself, my job and my activity.
Voice of Talysh | Просмотров: 2924 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 08.07.2012 | Комментарии (0)

New York, July 5, 2012--Authorities in Azerbaijan should drop new, politically motivated charges against Hilal Mamedov, chief editor of a paper serving ethnic Talysh, and release him immediately, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

Mamedov, who edits the independent newspaper Talyshi Sado, was charged in a Baku court on Wednesday with separate counts of treason, incitement to ethnic and religious hatred, and drug possession, news reports said. If convicted, he faces a life term in prison, Reuters reported. The journalist, who has been imprisoned since June 21, was initially arrested on accusations of possessing heroin, news reports said. News accounts reported that his family said the police had planted the drugs found in his apartment.

Voice of Talysh | Просмотров: 2830 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 07.07.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Absurd incriminations do not stop toward earlier arrested Human rights defender, Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper "Voice of Talysh” Hilal Mammadov under trumped up charge of drug possession in June 21, 2012. This time he is charged of "Espionage for Iran”.
The Aliyev regime in Azerbaijan in order to cover its antidemocratic character tries to use all chances from having such a neighbour as Iran. One of such "priorities” is to arrest undesirable for the regime persons as "Iran’s spies” under fabricated charges and after to destroy them physically. Very unfortunately, just with this method Aliyev’s regime could limit arrested under such forged charges persons from the international democratic support.
Voice of Talysh | Просмотров: 2992 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 07.07.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Mr Hilal Mamedov was arrested on 21 June and charged for alleged possession of heroin.

Hilal Mamedov is a consultant with the Institute for Democracy and Peace and editor in chief of Tolishi Sado (Talysh Voice), the only newspaper in the Talysh minority language. He was also the head of the Committee for the Defence of Novruzali Mamedov, a prominent Talysh scientist and human rights activist charged in June 2008 with espionage in favour of Iran and subsequently sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment. Novruzali Mamedov died as a result of torture in prison in 2010.

At approximately 10 am on 21 June, Hilal Mamedov left home to visit a relative in hospital. He called home at 11 am and said that he would be home in 30 minutes. He then disappeared. From 2 to 3.30 pm, when relatives tried to call, his mobile phone was answered by an unfamiliar male voice who said that Hilal Mamedov was under medical observation and would return home when the doctor finished examining him. At 4.20 pm his brother called from Moscow. The person who answered the phone informed him that Hilal Mamedov was under arrest, without giving any further explanations. After that, Hilal Mamedov's mobile phone was turned off.

In the evening of 21 June, 20 police officers arrived to the home of Hilal Mamedov in order to carry out a search, following which they claimed they had found 5 kg of heroin. His colleagues believe that this accusation and alleged discovery is completely unfounded, and no evidence was provided for the accusation. One of the policeman reportedly asked Hilal Mamedov's father: "Why was your son defending Talysh people? Did he not know how it can end up?”

Voice of Talysh | Просмотров: 2773 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.06.2012 | Комментарии (0)

The International Partnership Group for Azerbaijan (IPGA), coordinated by Article 19, condemns recent actions taken by the Azerbaijani authorities to limit freedom of expression and freedom of information. In the aftermath of the Eurovision Song Contest, the authorities have targeted critical journalists and activists and adopted legislation which contradicts international freedom of information principles. These moves occur against the backdrop of an overall alarming freedom of expression situation, which must be urgently addressed.

The IPGA expresses its deep concern regarding the alarming state of freedom of expression in Azerbaijan, which has significantly worsened in the weeks since the Eurovision Song Contest was held in Baku in May 2012. The IPGA is particularly concerned by the following recent developments:
Voice of Talysh | Просмотров: 1502 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.06.2012 | Комментарии (0)

New York, June 25, 2012--Authorities in Azerbaijan must drop the charges against journalist Hilal Mamedov and immediately release him, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Mamedov is the eighth journalist jailed in Azerbaijan, according to CPJ research.

Authorities detained Mamedov, chief editor of the independent newspaper Talyshi Sado, on Thursday after allegedly finding about 5 grams of heroin in his pocket, according to the Azeri-language service of the U.S. government-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. The circumstances of the journalist's arrest were not clear. Later that night, police raided the journalist's home and said they found another 30 grams of heroin, news reports said. On Friday, the Nizami District Court in Baku, the capital, ordered Mamedov to be imprisoned for three months in pretrial detention on drug possession charges, the reports said.

Mamedov's family said police had planted the drugs, according to local and international news reports. The journalist's colleagues said he did not even smoke cigarettes and that he had been imprisoned in retaliation for his reporting, the reports said.
Voice of Talysh | Просмотров: 1302 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.06.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Sayta giriş

Xəbər xətti

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Talış xalqı Azərbaycanda yarımkölə şəraitində yaşayır 
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Prominent Talysh activist dies in prison in Azerbaijan 
Talış dilinin hazırkı durumu ilə bağlı Azərbaycan Talışların İctimai Şurasının MÖVQE SƏNƏDİ 
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Mətləb Pero Dadaşov həbsindən yazır (III yazı) 
Mətləb Pero Dadaşov necə həbs edilməsindən yazır (II yazı) 
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Ahoşta (Əhoşte) 
Müəllim zindanda da müəllimdir... 
Б.В.Миллер. Талышские тексты 
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Allahverdi BAYRAMİ. ƏMONƏT ( İ pərdəninə 3 şəkilinə pyes) 
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Talışın əbədiyanar məşəli 
Новрузали Мамедов – 75 (Novruzəli Məmmədov – 75) 
Это не трагедия одной семьи, а трагедия нашей страны, нашей Родины! 
К юбилею Светланы Алексеевны Ганнушкиной! 
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