Голос Талыша |
Известные события, произошедшие с моей семьей за последние годы, всколыхнули нашу жизнь до основания.
Voice of Talysh
Всего материалов в каталоге: 49 Показано материалов: 1-10 |
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An alternative report
prepared by the Public Council of the Talysh People in Azerbaijan
on implementation of CE Framework Convention for the Protection
of National Minorities in the Republic of Azerbaijan for the
protection of Talysh people, covering the period of 2016 – 2021
Statement by The Talysh Public Council of Azerbaijan in the Republic of Azerbaijan on current status of the Talysh language and requesting urgent measures in this direction

A man in a black, no-tie suit walks towards a house surrounded by a group of men in white shirts. Notes of traditional Azerbaijani music dissolve in the air - it’s the vağzalı, played when a bride leaves her parents’ house to join her future husband. The man is Farail Abbasov and he is getting married. One by one every man approaches the groom, hugs him, congratulates him, and then the dance starts.
Closer to the house women in colourful dresses are waiting for the groom. One of them takes a tray with three glasses of water and Farail has to drink one before entering the house. Then the women kisses him and dances around him. In a sign of respect, he kisses the oldest of the group.
With friends and relatives, including his nine siblings, he makes his way to the reception venue - a simple pavilion with tables and chairs - all wrapped in an ocra canvas and fuchsia ribbons. To enter the tent he cuts a red ribbon and folk mugam starts. And with it, the dances go on until early morning hours.
The chief editor of the Tolyshi Sado newspaper, former ‘prisoner of conscience,’ Hilal Mammadov, was called on September 19 to the Nizami police station, where he was presented a claim in connection with his participation in the opposition rallies and demanded an end to his ties with the opposition. Mammadov said in response that he realized his freedoms and did not intend to limit them.
Mammadov told Turan that yesterday about 15.00 a local policeman summoned him to the deputy chief of the 25th police station of the Nizami District Police, Elnur Aliyev, for a conversation.
They came together to the office, and only an hour later Aliyev received Mammadov, and they had a short 2-3 minute conversation, during which the officer asked for what Mammadov was previously sentenced.
Interrogation of Hilal Mammadov who is interviewed as a witness at the closed process of the Court on the Grave Crime from June, 2nd, 2008 (16-00 – 18-00) with regards to the case of the editor-in-chief of the newspaper «Тolishi Sado» («the Voice of Talysh») Novruzali Mammadov and the responsible secretary of the newspaper Elman Guliyev, accused under the Article 274 (« High Treason»).
Part 2
The judge: Well, Hilal Mammadov. Olease, express your attitude on this question.
Interrogation of Hilal Mammadov who is interviewed as a witness at the closed process of the Court on the Grave Crime from June, 2nd, 2008 (16-00 – 18-00) with regards to the case of the editor-in-chief of the newspaper «Тolishi Sado» («the Voice of Talysh») Novruzali Mammadov and the responsible secretary of the newspaper Elman Guliyev, accused under the Article 274 (« High Treason»).
Part 1
Dear friends and colleagues! Ladies and gentlemen!
On November 17, 2012, the Azeri - Talysh Public Union (ATPU) applied to the Ministry of Justice of the Azerbaijan Republic for state registration.
The Ministry of Justice without explanation of any reason has rejected in state registration the said application of Azeri - Talysh Public Union.
As the founders of the Azeri - Talysh Public Union, we have been faced with the long lasting court proceedings in order to provide our right of association specified in the Constitution of Azerbaijan Republic, which is violated by the Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan Republic.
Thus, neither the Administrative-Economic Court N1 of Baku, nor the Baku Appellate Court did not satisfy the claim of the Azeri - Talysh Public Union. Under this circumstances, we have been obliged to bring the cassation claim to the Supreme Court of Azerbaijan Republic. |
Kerimova Fargiya Lawyer London, Great Britain
Peace-building from minority perspective
Dear Chairman, Dear Participants of the Conference, Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am very honoured to participate in the Conference held by The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation, which is the one of the main centres of the world for the voices and needs of indigenous people, minorities, nations and territories which are not recognized.
Significance to this event is given by the fact that it has been organised in one of the democratic centres of the world as Europe, for what I would like to express my big gratitude. In its’ long path to modern clear future, Europe could create the worlds’ most tolerant and democratic system, which has built the union where impressive number of countries are united, at the same time keeping their uniqueness and preserving the identity of every country and nation. |
On January 30th, the judicial process on Hila .Mammadov’s case, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper of "Tolishi Sado” and human rights defender, was continued at Baku Grave Crime Court chaired by the judge Azar Orujov. Though Hilal Mammadov petitioned against holding a closed court sessions and protested against the secretive trial the judge dismissed his petitions. Here is the statement made by Hilal Mammadov at the court:
"Using the opportunities granted to me by the law, I have the right to partly or fully restrict the authorities of my lawyers at any time - Yalchin Imanov, Ramiz Mammadov, Anar Gasimli, Javad Javadov and Khalig Baghirov on defending me in the court.
The "criminal case” brought against me under the Articles of 234.4.3., 274, 283.2.2. of the CC of AR and the accusations against me which disprove each-other are fabricated and as they are beyond the logical, judicial and moral grounds- thus, following my openly and periodically declaring scientific, pedagogical and socio-political activities undertaken I demanded that the trial must be opened to public. I never had any secret or problems to keep these secret from Azerbaijani people, government or non-government institutions and organizations, mass media and any other entities.
The trial of the constitutor and editor-in-chief of the newspaper of voice of Talysh Mr Hilal Mammadov is to start on January 9, 2013. Hilal Mammadov has made a statement before the trial starts.
The statement sent out says:
As it is known, I was arrested near my residential building between 12.00 to 13.00 o’clock on June 21 of 2012, by 6-7 people dressed like sportsmen. Later it became known that these people were staff of the Main Office for struggle Against the Drugs (MOSAD) under the ministry of interior affair. I was subjected to a savage attack, manacled, forcefully pushed into a private car and brought to MOSAD escorted by another car. There and later in my apartment (about 18.00-19:00 o’clock) they alleged seized 35 grams of drugs (heroin) while conducting an illegal search, and began an investigation in relation to a criminal case opened against me under Article 234.4.3 of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan Republic. On July 3, 2012, two more new trumped-up charges were brought against me under other Articles of the Criminal Code, i.e. Article 274 ("high treason”) and Article 283.2.2 ("inciting national and religious discrimination”. A criminal case was launched against me by the Nizami District Police and transferred to the Department for Grave Crimes under the General Prosecutor’s Office.